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채용정보 상세 검색

글로벌 산업용가스 회사_Driver Safety & Safety Specialist  (지원마감)
회사소개 외국계 산업용가스 회사
업무내용/자격요건 [담당업무]
? Support line management in continuously improving driver safety and safety performance in line with business goals. Assist related function to develop their respective improvement plans and provide related support, coach, training, inspections, assessment, or any means effectively to be implemented.
? Conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance to health and safety standards and procedures.
? Liaise with government authorities for permits, licenses, and regulatory matters.
? Support incident investigations.
? Support plant turnarounds.
? Support emergency response exercises.
? To provide and deliver the driver safety training based on the Asian DST syllabus comprising Module 1 to Module 11, Smith Systems 5 keys to space cushion, Asian Driver Handbook familiarization and compliances and Vehicle Recovery Training. Also, safety related procedures, standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices trainings.
? To evaluate and assess the driving competencies through coaching and mentoring on 1:1 basis. Analyze the achievement through Competencies Based Training Assessment method and identify the weakness areas to employee drivers and provide trainer training to contract companies. Transfer the knowledge on driver safety, safe driving and effectively communicate as well as provide the feedback for improvement.
? To ensure the drivers are fully competent in handling and transferring company products and qualify them before they can drive and operate the truck independently. Ensure the qualification process shall meet Air Products standards based on the actual delivery at the customer site through physical observation for employee drivers and cross checking for contract drivers.
? To work with the related functions, evaluate on the critical customer sites, potential and existing sites. Provide the solutions on truck accessibility for safe deliveries. Support the new route assessment and condition to ensure they are compliance with product-handling procedures.
? To prepare, update driver safety and safety training materials/procedure to be implemented and conduct related training/coaching as required.
? To carry out any other driver safety/safety activities which may not be able to be specifically and exclusively stipulated here and as assigned by reporting managers.

* 최소 5년 이상 EH&S 업무 경험 보유 혹은 가스/화학물질 차량 운송 회사에서 안전 교육 역할을 수행한자로서 운전자 안전 교육/점검/평가 및 EH&S 관련 업무를 적극적으로 수행하고자 하는 사람.
* MS Office, Word, PPT, Exel 활용 관련 서류 및 교육자료 작성, 발표
* 업무상 영어 사용 가능자. (읽기, 쓰기, 말하기)
* 환경안전보건 관련 전공, 산업안전기사, 고압가스안전기사 혹은 차량 운송 자격 보유자 선호

서류전형 / 면접전형

국문/영문 이력서 (필수)
기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 나이:무관, 성별:무관, 외국어:영어
근무지:동탄 (경기도 화성시 동탄대로 677-10 동탄 IT 밸리 9층)
담당자 담당컨설턴트: 유소희 수석
연락처: 02-739-1763 /
이메일: ysh@searchncompany.com
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채용정보안내 글로벌 산업용가스 회사_Driver Safety & Safety Specialist  (지원마감)
담당컨설턴트 유소희 수석
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